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One man’s pain is other man’s laugh

Detox Volume 1 - Husband (A Married Warrior)

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What is a husband?

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Husbandman was the person who used to cultivate the ground. In Old Norse (medieval north germanic region) language, hus (house) and bondi (tiller), husband was tiller of the soil. It remains a mystery how he migrated from fields to kitchen, from bread earner to bread maker, how his tools shifted from spade, harrow and hoes to cutting boards, utensil scrubs and vegetable peelers. Not much has also been documented on how husbandmen upgraded their skills from agriculture to culinary, laundry, mopping, foot massaging etc., but fact remains that from being masters of the house to being mastered in the house, husbands have covered a long distance selflessly and dedicatedly serving their wives.

About me

Ravi Agnihotri

About me

Ravi Agnihotri

Ravi Agnihotri is a day dreamer. He is an MBA from Indian School of Business, Hyderabad (Class of 2011) and an enterprising entrepreneur. He has been a Bollywood producer (produced Buddha in a traffic jam), a real estate entrepreneur (founded Ivy League Villas), and a Product Leader (launched multiple successful products and platforms from zero to one). Ravi has been advocating for ethical treatment of husbands since 2009. He is on a mission to voice the plight of all husbands worldwide, empathize with them, create awareness among all those husbands who live with their wives that they are not the only one oppressed, and to create a feeling of community among all oppressed souls (LOL).

Detox (Volume 1.0 and 2.0) is an experiment of sorts for Ravi. Once successful, this would lead to more serious authorship and book writing.

Jokes Preview

(From Detox Volume 1 - Husband)


He goes to the temple as well as the mosque,

He goes to the synagogue as well as the church,

He goes to the monastery as well as the shrine,

A troubled husband has no religion.


Husband got late from a Friday night party with friends.

Friends (next day): Did your wife say anything?

Husband: Nothing much. I had to get these two front teeth removed anyway.


Husband (to his wife): If I become the Prime Minister, I will change the fate of this country.

Wife (shouting): You first change your pajamas, you have been roaming around in the house wearing my lady trousers since morning.


An obese woman caught the thief and sat on him.

Then she screamed to her husband, “Go, call the police.”

Husband (confused, looking around): Where are my slippers?

Thief (shouting): You Idiot! Wear my flip-flops but quickly go.


Wife: Thank God, you came back home safe and sound.

Husband (surprised): Why, what happened?

Wife: People were shouting in the street that some lunatic has fallen in the gutter.


Wife: When you take off your glasses, you look very handsome.

Husband: Yes dear. When I take off my glasses, you look beautiful too.

And then wife tossed the husband all around the house.

Let the laughter commence!

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